Health An Education, If You Can Afford It Special needs children are the most vulnerable and neglected group in Afghanistan. Essential facilities, particularly access to education, are severely lacking, adding to their struggle.
OneDayinAfghanistan Camels Leave No Time for Tea Camel herder Habibullah Baloch spends at least half a year herding the animals in the deserts of southwestern Afghanistan’s Nimroz province.
OneDayinAfghanistan Weaving a Life From Reeds and Straw Small, agricultural-based businesses are suffering the impact of Afghanistan’s economic crisis and the persistent drought devastating communities across the poverty-stricken country.
OneDayinAfghanistan Family Lives on Scraps The Gala Bacha family are farmers who work on a melon farm in southwestern Afghanistan’s Nimroz province. Droughts over the past several years have hit them hard, forcing the family to ponder over the viability of their future in this village.
Women Embroidery; the Delicate Art of Resistance Nargis Mahmoodi and her five children work every day as embroiderers to earn livelihood for their family in southwestern Afghanistan’s Nimroz province.